My Hamster (Rocky)

HAlo~~ guys

Hi, long long time didnt touch my blog already.......
Just came back from time square watching movie with friend. ^^

How u all now?
New life in UTAR is not really nice at all. Quite busy along the sem..... and I am very misses those days in KTAR.... especially playing "chor dai di" in the lecture... hehe...
and I miss

ah Choong - those days "fu yan" me and teach me.
ah Gan - see who "13 fry" in chor dai di, "fu yan" me and the joker card through window.
ah Jien - playing dota with me.
ah Kang - talking funny and lj things to me.
ah Ken - talking funny things and sharing magic with me.
ah Simon - sharing the word "ji eh" and his mouth shape.
ah Yuen - always said that same surname with me, talking funny and cb things to me.
ah Zhen - those hamsters in his house and his funny attitude.
Zakwan - bully him in chor dai di. hehe.. jk.

Kok KEn tml going to Australia liao woh.... Wish u "one road follow wind" 1st. ^^ Dont forget us ar...

Haihz... this saturday need back to U for mid term test.... Reallly "qi cham". Ok la gtg do revision. Come out yam char ba when feel free.... ^^ bb

Tuesday 7 July 2009

~~~ Redang trip ~~~

Wow... wat a nice trip. Thanks guys for having this Redang trip.
All the pictures will be shown at the "my latest trip's slideshow" there.
Some of the pictures will show here

day 1:
We reached to Kuala Terenggaru ^
Reached to Laguna resort around 12pm ^
Scenery capture from the restaurant (1) ^
Scenery capture from the restaurant (2) ^
Scenery capture from the restaurant (3) ^

day 2:
On our way to Marine park ^
All ready to jump into the sea in Marine park ^
Now on our way to open sea for second snorkling ^
Come everybody "peace" ^
A group of black fishes ^
Halo, is me.... ^
Want to do fish therapy? ^
A group of mix fishes ^
Small shark ^
More more tea inn ^
Rickie Ren, Ah Niu and Guang Liang ^

day 3:
bye bye Redang. On our way back to KT ^
We walking around in KT ^
7 wonders of the world in KT ^

Nice pictures:
Snake moray-eal ^

Razo fish ^

Blue spotted ^

Barracuda ^
Aeolid.nudibranch ^

Nemo ^
Cron of thorms ^

Turtle ^

tHat all for my post today.... Enjoy on looking the pictures ^^

Friday 15 May 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Good morning, today is a mother's day woh...
I am here to wish all the mothers have a nice and happy in this special day.

I am just came back from celebrated mother's day with my family in Sri Petaling there.
Since my grandma and my mum decided to eat dim sum, so i told my dad to have a breakfast at there. The taste of the dim sum there ar.. i'll gave 7.5/10 stars.... ^^

Additional: Actually do u knows wat is "family" stand for?

Family = Father and mother I love you
So, mum wish u has a very happy day and "long life hundred age". hehe....

Redang.... U wait for me. I will see u on tml.

Sunday 10 May 2009

Happy birthday Shirley

Yesterday was my sister, Shirley's birthday (in chinese calendar). We just have a simple celebration... by having dinner in a restaurant at Taman Len Sen. The foods there not bad....

The side dishes that we order... got taufu, fish, crabs, and etc.... ^^

u try to guess wat is the side dish's name for the below pic..... ^^

The price there ar....... er.... berpatutan too.
Ok la, that all for my post today..... Happy birthday Shirley ^^

Sunday 12 April 2009

spot the diff.....

Come point ur finger on the difference parts.....
Which 1 more cute ?_?

original (so cute)

edit pic (so beautiful)

For me.... original more yeng. ^^

Friday 27 March 2009

drawing's day (2)

Today have nth to do..... Just want to post smt to share

^ Dark DTE (ok ma, guys?)

^ Fuck You (draw in tutorial class)

and next picture is special design for my friend, Mr. Aaron Gan. ^.^

^ Xia Xia.... Nice ma?

Thursday 19 March 2009

A Name

I went to my grandma house in the morning 9am..... and I go there by bus. When I was in the bus, I'm listening 2 aunties conversation...Actually I dont want to listen but they talk quite loud and I just sat behind them..... =.=

In the conversation, I heard a word 粪塔分你, si tap fun nei (in cantonese) many times.... Then I tot the aunty so geng, keep talking about the "shit"....
Another aunty said... "不要一直讲粪,不是什么"粪塔分你",是stephanie..." After I heard that, really cannot tahan them....

Walao eh..... aunty dont play play with ppl name le. =.="

Saturday 14 March 2009