My Hamster (Rocky)

HAlo~~ guys

Hi, long long time didnt touch my blog already.......
Just came back from time square watching movie with friend. ^^

How u all now?
New life in UTAR is not really nice at all. Quite busy along the sem..... and I am very misses those days in KTAR.... especially playing "chor dai di" in the lecture... hehe...
and I miss

ah Choong - those days "fu yan" me and teach me.
ah Gan - see who "13 fry" in chor dai di, "fu yan" me and the joker card through window.
ah Jien - playing dota with me.
ah Kang - talking funny and lj things to me.
ah Ken - talking funny things and sharing magic with me.
ah Simon - sharing the word "ji eh" and his mouth shape.
ah Yuen - always said that same surname with me, talking funny and cb things to me.
ah Zhen - those hamsters in his house and his funny attitude.
Zakwan - bully him in chor dai di. hehe.. jk.

Kok KEn tml going to Australia liao woh.... Wish u "one road follow wind" 1st. ^^ Dont forget us ar...

Haihz... this saturday need back to U for mid term test.... Reallly "qi cham". Ok la gtg do revision. Come out yam char ba when feel free.... ^^ bb

Tuesday 7 July 2009


Ansonboy said...


samson said...

lol. i only remember how u jumped and dropped on the non-cushioned bed LOOOL! So CONFIDENT, yet so clumsy.. cant stop laughing LOOOL! =X
LOL hard.