My Hamster (Rocky)

HAlo~~ guys

Hi, long long time didnt touch my blog already.......
Just came back from time square watching movie with friend. ^^

How u all now?
New life in UTAR is not really nice at all. Quite busy along the sem..... and I am very misses those days in KTAR.... especially playing "chor dai di" in the lecture... hehe...
and I miss

ah Choong - those days "fu yan" me and teach me.
ah Gan - see who "13 fry" in chor dai di, "fu yan" me and the joker card through window.
ah Jien - playing dota with me.
ah Kang - talking funny and lj things to me.
ah Ken - talking funny things and sharing magic with me.
ah Simon - sharing the word "ji eh" and his mouth shape.
ah Yuen - always said that same surname with me, talking funny and cb things to me.
ah Zhen - those hamsters in his house and his funny attitude.
Zakwan - bully him in chor dai di. hehe.. jk.

Kok KEn tml going to Australia liao woh.... Wish u "one road follow wind" 1st. ^^ Dont forget us ar...

Haihz... this saturday need back to U for mid term test.... Reallly "qi cham". Ok la gtg do revision. Come out yam char ba when feel free.... ^^ bb

Tuesday 7 July 2009

~~~ Redang trip ~~~

Wow... wat a nice trip. Thanks guys for having this Redang trip.
All the pictures will be shown at the "my latest trip's slideshow" there.
Some of the pictures will show here

day 1:
We reached to Kuala Terenggaru ^
Reached to Laguna resort around 12pm ^
Scenery capture from the restaurant (1) ^
Scenery capture from the restaurant (2) ^
Scenery capture from the restaurant (3) ^

day 2:
On our way to Marine park ^
All ready to jump into the sea in Marine park ^
Now on our way to open sea for second snorkling ^
Come everybody "peace" ^
A group of black fishes ^
Halo, is me.... ^
Want to do fish therapy? ^
A group of mix fishes ^
Small shark ^
More more tea inn ^
Rickie Ren, Ah Niu and Guang Liang ^

day 3:
bye bye Redang. On our way back to KT ^
We walking around in KT ^
7 wonders of the world in KT ^

Nice pictures:
Snake moray-eal ^

Razo fish ^

Blue spotted ^

Barracuda ^
Aeolid.nudibranch ^

Nemo ^
Cron of thorms ^

Turtle ^

tHat all for my post today.... Enjoy on looking the pictures ^^

Friday 15 May 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Good morning, today is a mother's day woh...
I am here to wish all the mothers have a nice and happy in this special day.

I am just came back from celebrated mother's day with my family in Sri Petaling there.
Since my grandma and my mum decided to eat dim sum, so i told my dad to have a breakfast at there. The taste of the dim sum there ar.. i'll gave 7.5/10 stars.... ^^

Additional: Actually do u knows wat is "family" stand for?

Family = Father and mother I love you
So, mum wish u has a very happy day and "long life hundred age". hehe....

Redang.... U wait for me. I will see u on tml.

Sunday 10 May 2009

Happy birthday Shirley

Yesterday was my sister, Shirley's birthday (in chinese calendar). We just have a simple celebration... by having dinner in a restaurant at Taman Len Sen. The foods there not bad....

The side dishes that we order... got taufu, fish, crabs, and etc.... ^^

u try to guess wat is the side dish's name for the below pic..... ^^

The price there ar....... er.... berpatutan too.
Ok la, that all for my post today..... Happy birthday Shirley ^^

Sunday 12 April 2009

spot the diff.....

Come point ur finger on the difference parts.....
Which 1 more cute ?_?

original (so cute)

edit pic (so beautiful)

For me.... original more yeng. ^^

Friday 27 March 2009

drawing's day (2)

Today have nth to do..... Just want to post smt to share

^ Dark DTE (ok ma, guys?)

^ Fuck You (draw in tutorial class)

and next picture is special design for my friend, Mr. Aaron Gan. ^.^

^ Xia Xia.... Nice ma?

Thursday 19 March 2009

A Name

I went to my grandma house in the morning 9am..... and I go there by bus. When I was in the bus, I'm listening 2 aunties conversation...Actually I dont want to listen but they talk quite loud and I just sat behind them..... =.=

In the conversation, I heard a word 粪塔分你, si tap fun nei (in cantonese) many times.... Then I tot the aunty so geng, keep talking about the "shit"....
Another aunty said... "不要一直讲粪,不是什么"粪塔分你",是stephanie..." After I heard that, really cannot tahan them....

Walao eh..... aunty dont play play with ppl name le. =.="

Saturday 14 March 2009

4896 (in Hokkien)

Yesterday really 4896..... smt blow into my eye and make my eye suffered for the whole day... I HATE WIND BLOW WITH SMT INTO MY EYE!!!!!

Yesterday watched "love matter" with yy and samson. All the ppl laugh at there, except me... I am crying for the every parts of the movie... Thanks to the stupid thing blow into my eye!!! Make me 哭笑不得.......

I tot that I have chance to become pirate, but luckily my eye get cure after a sleep. Haihz....

Back to the movie, actually the movie is very nice.... I will vote 4.5/5 stars for that movie. Is damn damn damn a funny movie... So, everyone must watch for it....

ok, that all for my post today... za nei

Sunday 1 March 2009

Bluring @_@

Bluring @_@ but funny ^_^

魔王:o my god!
… …


Monday 16 February 2009

"SONG!!" ar.... Penang & Baling trip

Si beh song ar..... Back from Baling yesterday... very tired now..
But I just capture pictures in Penang.... because my camera have no battery when I'm reached to Baling.. T.T

Using Pictures to represent 1000 words.

All the pictures shown in the "my latest trip" sliceshow there...
Here just some...

^ Swim in the level 6 of Continental Hotel ^

^ Capture from the view in Kek Lok Si ^

^ The view at night in Kek Lok Si ^

^ Capture from Sunset bistro ^

Sunday 15 February 2009


这几天的我都心不在焉,特别是alone的时候。今天都无法复习功课。刚才坐LRT还坐过头呢。还有下著雨以为停雨了,害到我淋到湿了。我到底是什么回事呢?心...你到底去了那里或是在谁那里?谁能告诉我!?而且我还变得吃少了和较安静了。我到底是在搞什么呢?星期三就要考试了,希望我的心回来了。 haihz...

Tuesday 3 February 2009

* Happy Chinese 牛 Year *

Wow, today gonna write about my celebration of cny.
Pay attention de la.......

年初一 (nian chu yi)
Wow, receive angpao day "yeah"...... This is the happy day for those who receives angpao. Today in my grandma house si beh many ppl until I see no.... Hehe... As long as I can get more angpao, then nvm lo... Ok, here are some pictures to show:

Later on, my cousins and I go to Queensbay mall there gai gai but most of the shop lots are closed. Nth to gai....... Then suan lo, We decided go back to my grandma house to play card.. Playing the card game making all of us ki siao.

年初二 (nian chu er)
Today, I went to Taiping bai nian with my parents. Si beh jam oh... along the way. Finally we reached the destination after 2 hours. At there = a bit sienz... Nth to do. Then we when back to Penang at around 5p.m. smt. Along the way is si.... beh.... jam.... too. After we reached Penang, we go dined with my relative. After the diner, we went to my aunty house. At there..... quite sienz.. also. Luckily my cousin, Evone sms and chat with me. If not 年初二 = boring day.....

年初三 (nian chu san)
Today = very.... very.... happy because I am following my cousins (Victor, JR, Yun Yun and Evone) sing K in redbox, Gurney. I saw my junior at Gurney there le..... I really felt shock. At night, we become ki siao ag during the time we playing card.

年初四 (nian chu si)
Today, I'm following my cousins, Victor and JR to play Dota in cyber cafe. My performance is damn.... lousy.... Most of the times I have spend in cyber cafe.

年初五 (nian chu wu)
Today we go watch the 家有喜事 2009... That movie really not bad. Besides that, I have bought a new earing. I also saw a funny banner in Queensbay mall.

That's all for my post........ Wish U Happy cny.

Sunday 1 February 2009