My Hamster (Rocky)

Friday, Saturday and Sunday

er... sry guys for didnt post anything in weekand because I'm busying accompany my cousin "swim mountain play water" . hehe....

- Friday -
Happy Birthday Zhentasy..... We celebrated Zhen's birthday in Kaki Corner. The foods there quite nice and the price berpatutan also....

- Saturday -
Today my cousin come to my house. Lucky today he didnt ffk me, if not he = cham.... Today nth much to do, just bring him go cc play dota. Long time didnt play dota already but lucky that we still can owning for all the games.

- Sunday -
I go to see doctor again about my face...... nth much to describe. After I'm consume that green pills, the pimples become less and less but my face still no handsome. hehe.... After that, my cousin and me go to time square for window shopping. After gai gai, is time to fare-well with my cousin. We just met for 1 day..... Nvm, he promise that we will meet again soon.

1 hour before this post, suddenly I felt interesting to write smt in chinese. Then come out with this short essay.


每当我照镜子或是在大众场所时我都觉得蛮伤心。尤其是照镜子时的我都觉得没信心和伤心,而且有时会想要哭出来。然后都在想为什么我会拥有这样难看的脸。虽然每次都想蛮多理由来骗自己,可是都没效。有时还恨不得想把我的脸给挖掉。haihz... 可能这是神对我的惩罚。虽然我看了很多次医生,可是才好了少许而已。心里终觉得很对不起我的家人。因为花了他们不少钱来看医生。我很少会去瞄女生或是和女生交往,这不代表我是同性戀,只不过我是没信心。这都是因为我的长相!!不过没关系啦,人终是要开开心心的过每一天。而且我还有很多好朋友默默的支持我,陪我,给我勇气的走每一段路。谢谢。

Monday 24 November 2008

The monkeys

Today got smt to share with u all.... So, this is my 1st time of post in weekdays. hehe...
Nowadays those monkeys really brave... swt dao...... treat college like their house..

Suddenly my mind come out with 1 poem....

We saw two monkeys
in TAR college
near the PA205.

I saw Mr.Xia
disturbing them
and other guys watching his stupid attitude
in a cloudy day.

The monkeys is enjoying
why why?!! he want to disturd their peaceful?

Friday 21 November 2008

drawing's day

Today quite boring.... So, I've decided to paint the scenery drawing. Actually not really nice la... Just recall back the drawing that I've learned during my secondary school. Come give some comments... ^^

my scenery drawing (ok ma)

er... today nothing much to post....

- Have a happy sunday -

Sunday 16 November 2008

favourite's day

Halo, miss me ma? I need to mention that, this 1 is weekend blog oo. Dont think that I will post something in weekday. Unless I got something want to share. hehe.....

Ok, today.... quite disappointed and busy.

I'm disappointed because my cousin ffk me. Actually today, we will meet up each other as we promise last week........ but until today I called him and he told me that today is his assignment's day. So, suan ba.........

I'm busy because just now 6 pm smt I help my mum clean the cupboard.... All of you know what am I found inside the there? Wow..... That is my favourite toy during the time I was study in kindergarten. That is POWER RANGER.......

^ favourite childhood toy (geng le)

Now, I am watching cartoon network.... That is my favourite cartoon, Tom & Jerry: The movie.... It's damn nice cartoon. Dont think that I am still a child. Actually I am already 20 but those cartoon really making me enjoyable and relax....... and sometimes I will also act like a child, maybe is the consequences from those cartoon. So..... dont be like that Mr. 虾 always said me..... "你20岁lo... 毛都生齐lo...." But I really cannot tahan if i didnt act like child..... hehe... Maybe I will grow up (no more like a child) in the working filed.

Saturday 8 November 2008

new things....

today morning, I went to see doctor again about my face. After I get into the doctor's room and she greet to me. After I sit down, she come out with another sentence, "why ur face become so dry and red?" I reply her "dont know why. Maybe is the cleanser?" Actually I want to reply "ji eh.. maybe is the cleanser le." but I didnt do so.

After a few minutes, the consultation is ended and she said next appointment is after 3 weeks and change all the cleanser, pimple creams and pill for me. Then I think, cham lo.... I still left 1/3 bottle of cleanser and half packet of pill at home. Really... ji eh...

After that, I go to the counter to collect and pay for my fees. I saw that the new pill is in green colour. Ji eh... dont know after consume that particular pill will become shrek or not.

Today afternoon, my mum and my sister go to Time Square. At there, they bought me a sling bag. Even the sling bag is not branded, I still love it because is a gift from my parents. Some more all my sling bags are broken. So, I will appreaciate this gift.

^ my new green colour pill (geli dao....)

^ my new sling bag (nice ma)

Sunday 2 November 2008

1st time of post

Halo, thank u for those who spend times to see my blog.

Now is already 4th week of 2nd sem of 2nd year in TARC. I felt very happy because along the way until now, all the friends have bring many happiness to me and make me no longer lonely, especially for those now in the same course with me. Of course for those in secondary school's friends also bring me a lot of happiness.

In this sem, i need to thanks to my junior. He teach me 1 very useful word, "ji eh..". This is not a bad word, suitable for every different type of people to use. No matter at where or when, this word really nice to use.

^ college's friends (ji eh...'s gang)

^ best friends (mp4 + earphone)

Saturday 1 November 2008